The Healing Hand of Restorative Justice: An Interview with ANU’s Dr Miranda Forsyth

The Australian criminal justice system has come under criticism for incarcerating growing numbers of people. With recidivism rates closing in on fifty percent – meaning nearly half of those released from prison are back within 2 years – many believe a punitive system that produces “revolving door” criminals can’t be the answer.

But, there are alternatives.

Restorative justice is an approach to dealing with crime that has a focus on rehabilitating the offender through reconciliation with the victim, and other family members and friends. The practice gives the victim a voice in the justice process, which empowers them, as well as providing the offender with an understanding of the impact of their actions and a direct avenue to make amends.

Read more here.

Restorative policing:expert criminologists in conversation

RegNet's Restorative Policing discussion (held 6 June 2017) is available to listen or download.

ACT Chief Police Officer, Justine Saunders, and expert criminologists Larry Sherman and Heather Strang from Cambridge University were scheduled to participate in this panel discussion. However, CPO Saunders was made unavailable at late notice.

The discussion was to be facilitated by RegNet’s John Braithwaite, but due to his ill health Miranda Forsyth stepped in for John.

Sherman and Strang debated the positives and negatives of restorative justice from the perspective of the police, the victims and the offenders, and discuss the latest programs for reducing re-offending in Australia as well as in the Northern hemisphere. The panel was also be open to questions from the audience.

Read more here and download audio file here.

A Canberra restorative community

We seem to know more but understand less about the human condition.

We could move from an impulse to exclude and brand people, or engage in human outreach, improving ourselves and the emotional life of others.

These are just some of the big questions universities need to help answer, according to retired US Ambassador Jeffrey Bleich.

These are also some of the themes the Canberra Restorative Community network has engaged with since July 2015.

Read more here.

Restorative Community Network Gathering 28/6/2017

Dear Restorative Community Network members,

Please join RJ champions John Braithwaite, Jon Stanhope, Tony Foley (Chair Law Reform Advisory Committee), Cheryl Condon, Kate Milner, Dymphna Lowry (Cth Ombudsman), Shawn van der Linden (CEO, Conflict Resolution Service), Dennis McDermott, Amanda Lutz (manager, RJU) and others at the:

‘Restorative Community Network Gathering’
Wed 28th June 2017, 12.15-1.45 pm,
Venue: Riley Hall, Pilgrim House
69 Northbourne Ave

Topic: “Where to from here: Next Steps for our Restorative Community”

Since July 2015, we’ve held a series of workshops across issues such as education, disability, health, crime and justice, ageing and sexual offending.   

These workshops have inspired innovative and exciting developments such as ‘Restorative ANU’, a collective aimed at improving responses for victims of sexual assault on campus, the Canberra restorative hospital, and the introduction of the ‘Peace Education Program’ at the Alexander Maconochie Centre.

This meeting will focus us on discussing the benefits of the RCN work and vital questions for the future of this grass roots movement, such as ‘What do we need for the network to continue?’  and ‘How would we like to work into the future?’  Here’s your chance to be involved!

The agenda attached outlines some discussion points for the continuation of the network.  Please have a look and bring your ideas and energy on the day or, if you can’t make it, feel free to email us your suggestions to share.

Please email by 22 June 2017.  Light refreshments will be provided.


•    The RCN has operated under the auspices of the ACT Government and the ANU RJ Centre, with strong support from the ACT Restorative Justice Unit.
•    The ANU RJ Centre provided start-up funds for a website and annual payment of webhosting.
•    Resources are now stretched and we need to pitch together to consider ways forward.

Agenda/Discussion items:
1.    How has RCN been impacting so far?  (20 mins of feedback/good news stories)
2.    Is there a need for a collective representative body to maintain oversight and momentum of the RCN, and if so what structure would be best.
3.    Is there a need for a government funded position (such as Restorative Engagement Officer) to support the RCN and if so where would this person would best be located.  Identify the roles for this officer, including:

  •  Consult and plan and coordinate workshops/events
  •  Provide secretariat support
  •  Liaise with rotating host agencies
  •  Report on activities and outcomes of RCN

4.    Identify potential funding sources
5.    How to share the organizing of workshops/ events until funding sourced
6.    Café catch-ups for informal restorative conversation opportunities
7.    Close

Download the pdf of the above invitation to print or share [470 KB].

2017 Monthly Restorative Community Network catch-ups

From July 2017, the Canberra Restorative Community Network will meet on the last MONDAY of the month from 5.30pm - 6.30 pm at Fellows Café (the orange corner), University House, Australian National University.  This is a chance for an informal catch-up with colleagues to share ideas and developments from local, national and international contexts on the applications of restorative approaches in various settings. Everyone welcome. No RSVP necessary.

MONDAY 31st JULY 2017





Can the use of restorative practices in health care provide pathways to hope and healing?


Wednesday 1 February 2017

5:30pm to 7:00pm

Ann Harding Conference Centre - Building 24, University Canberra


You are warmly invited to join our conversation

Hosted by Professor Rachel Davey (Health Research Institute, University of Canberra)

Moderated by Melissa Sweet: UC PhD scholar and independent public health journalist, publisher of

Please feel free to distribute – the event is free of charge.


15-16 November 2016, Conflict Resolution Conference, Wellington NZ

Restorative Practices International (RPI), in collaboration with Restorative Practices Aotearoa (RPA), Resolution Institute (RI) and Victoria University of Wellington, is pleased to announce:

 The 2016 Conflict Resolution Conference

15-16 November in Wellington, New Zealand

ü  Save the date – registrations open in June

ü  Be part of the conference by submitting a workshop proposal

Dealing constructively with conflict is essential to achieving a just and peaceful society. Conflicts come in many shapes and sizes and there is no “one size fits all” solution. Methods of resolution need to be tailored to the circumstances.  

This unique, multi-disciplinary conference will explore the broad spectrum of alternative conflict resolution processes, looking at both the latest developments within each discipline and the potential for cross-fertilisation and collaboration between approaches. Plenary sessions will deal with issues of common concern while workshops will enable practitioners and policymakers within the various fields of mediation, arbitration, conciliation and restorative justice to share learning and encourage innovation.  

For more information or to submit a workshop proposal see the Conference Website

Kind regards, 

Graeme George



Restorative Practices International

Restorative Practices in the Health Sector – From Cradle to Grave. Monday 18 April 12noon - 2pm

Dear Restorative Communities Networkers.   

As you know, throughout 2016, the ACT Government and the ANU Regulatory Institutions Network (RegNet) are supporting a series of workshops relating to the use of restorative practices in a range of sectors throughout the Canberra community.  

You are invited to attend the second workshop of 2016 – Restorative Practices in Health – which will take place in the Function Room of the Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre (off London Circuit in the Canberra City) on Monday 18 April 2016 from 12.00pm-2.00pm.  As the workshop will take place across the lunch period, light refreshments will be provided.  

You will hear from restorative practitioners about their experiences using restorative practice in the sector and have the opportunity to participate in group discussions which identify strategies which have worked well, as well as opportunities for improvement when applying restorative practices in a health-based environment.  This workshop is an opportunity to envisage a more fully restorative health system while developing your understanding of restorative practices.   Participation in Restorative Communities Network events is a valuable learning and development opportunity for all who seek to solve problems restoratively in their fields of work. 

Please note that while this workshop relates to restorative practices in the health sector, you do not need to be a medical practitioner or to have worked in the health sector to participate.  All that is required is an interest in restorative practices and the wellbeing of our shared community. 

As there are limited spaces available for the workshop, it would be greatly appreciated if you could RSVP at the earliest possible opportunity.  RSVP’s will close at COB on Wednesday 13 April to ensure the opportunity to provide adequate catering.  If you are unable to attend please feel free to circulate this invitation to another person who you feel may be interested in attending.  Please RSVP to me via return email to or via telephone on 6205-1772.

Canberra Restorative Community Network Workshop Thurs 18 Feb 2016

Restorative Communities Network Workshop
Restorative Practices in Schools

You are invited to attend the first of a series of workshops supported by the ACT Government and ANU Regulatory Institutions Network (RegNet) on behalf of the Canberra Restorative Communities Network – Restorative Practices in Schools.

Throughout the workshop you will hear from educators about their experiences implementing restorative practices in their schools and have the opportunity to provide personal insights relating to your journey in the ACT education system.  Please note you do not need to be a teacher or have worked in the education sector to participate in this workshop.  All that is required is a passion for restorative practices and effective learning communities. 

This workshop will identify the strategies which have worked well and will discuss opportunities for improvement when applying restorative practices in a school setting.

Workshop Details: 
Date:  Thursday the 18th of February 2016
Location:  The Function Room, The Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre, 180 London Circuit, Canberra City
Time:  12:00-2.00 pm (light refreshments will be provided)

Please RSVP to Kelly Lokan on

or 6205-1772 by COB by 17th February 2016.