Restorative Practices in the Health Sector – From Cradle to Grave. Monday 18 April 12noon - 2pm

Dear Restorative Communities Networkers.   

As you know, throughout 2016, the ACT Government and the ANU Regulatory Institutions Network (RegNet) are supporting a series of workshops relating to the use of restorative practices in a range of sectors throughout the Canberra community.  

You are invited to attend the second workshop of 2016 – Restorative Practices in Health – which will take place in the Function Room of the Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre (off London Circuit in the Canberra City) on Monday 18 April 2016 from 12.00pm-2.00pm.  As the workshop will take place across the lunch period, light refreshments will be provided.  

You will hear from restorative practitioners about their experiences using restorative practice in the sector and have the opportunity to participate in group discussions which identify strategies which have worked well, as well as opportunities for improvement when applying restorative practices in a health-based environment.  This workshop is an opportunity to envisage a more fully restorative health system while developing your understanding of restorative practices.   Participation in Restorative Communities Network events is a valuable learning and development opportunity for all who seek to solve problems restoratively in their fields of work. 

Please note that while this workshop relates to restorative practices in the health sector, you do not need to be a medical practitioner or to have worked in the health sector to participate.  All that is required is an interest in restorative practices and the wellbeing of our shared community. 

As there are limited spaces available for the workshop, it would be greatly appreciated if you could RSVP at the earliest possible opportunity.  RSVP’s will close at COB on Wednesday 13 April to ensure the opportunity to provide adequate catering.  If you are unable to attend please feel free to circulate this invitation to another person who you feel may be interested in attending.  Please RSVP to me via return email to or via telephone on 6205-1772.