With so many folks and organisations involved in the Canberra Restorative Community Network, we are keen to promote all the events, training, seminars, informal gatherings and special events you are holding. By supporting each others efforts, there is collective learning and impact. Please email us if you have an event or information you would like to share with the network of 500+.
Restorative health care vision for Canberra
This project intends to infuse the characteristics of strength and resilience of Aboriginal people into a Restorative Health Care framework for enabling Aboriginal voice in hospital practice, governance and consumer engagement processes- it is hoped the outcomes from this research will be incorporated into the new University of Canberra Public Hospital, due to open in 2018.
The 2017 Prime Minister’s ‘Closing the Gap’ Report reveals that efforts to reduce healthcare inequity have failed to meet 6 out of 7 targets, leading to his comment, “we must do things differently.” This research seeks to address suffering experienced by First Australians from a failure to close the health equity gap. At the core of this project is the intent that Aboriginal peoples’ voices are heard in the hospital setting.
The historical harms perpetrated within hospitals and other institutions associated with racism and colonisation, as well as the distrust engendered by brutal separations of children from their families, disproportionate levels of Indigenous incarceration, and deaths from suicide continue to tragically frame the healthcare relationships of many Indigenous Australians. These problems are compounded by negative cultures within the health system that may limit Indigenous voice. These relational issues of identity, trust and equity contribute to existing and potential communication barriers. Communication failings are the primary cause of over 70% of sentinel events resulting in death or serious injury to patients; and given the prevalence of harmful cultures of bullying in Australian healthcare organisations - it is therefore imperative to find new ways to work.
Our objective is to introduce restorative healthcare practice as part of an ACT ‘restorative community’ to the new University of Canberra Public Hospital due to open in 2018. We seek to create an environment of cultural safety for not only First Australians who will benefit from the services, but Indigenous healthcare workers and other vulnerable people. We believe that by meeting the needs of the most vulnerable - we help everyone. This project intends to infuse the characteristics of strength and resilience of Aboriginal people into a Restorative Health Care framework for enabling Aboriginal voice in hospital practice, governance and consumer engagement processes.
Indigenous and non-Indigenous leaders, nurses and midwives at the University of Canberra are collaborating with external researchers to support the ACT to become a ‘restorative’ community, joining an international restorative learning community. Our shared vision is to apply ‘Restorative Healthcare Practice’, a strengths based relational approach, centred on giving voice, respect , acknowledgement, accountability and healing value to the most vulnerable to benefit Indigenous people.
The project aims to join traditional Yarning Circle methodology to modern corporate governance of the UC Public Hospital, to enable Aboriginal voices to resonate in the hospital setting and create a ‘restorative’ environment. Our approach is to use ‘Yarning Circles’ to hear and privilege Aboriginal voices that will inform our inquiry into work undertaken in Whanganui, New Zealand. Whanganui Health Board has accelerated a narrowing of the gap in Maori health inequality by using Restorative Practices, which they define as “a philosophy, in action, that places respectful relationships at the heart of every interaction. This relational approach is grounded in beliefs about the equality, dignity and potential of all people and about the just structures and systems that enable people to thrive and succeed together” (2014). Eleven outputs from this project will provide the justification for, implementation of and evaluation plan for ‘Restorative Healing Practice’.
Read more here....
Restoring our environment - Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary
Travelling back to Canberra from New Zealand, with our Ngunnawal Elder Aunty Roslyn Brown and University of Canberra based Restorative Health team, Wayne Applebee and Holly Northam, I sat next to Claire, a Kiwi (originally from Scotland) who was on her fifth visit to Canberra this year visiting her family. I asked Claire what her son did in Canberra. Her reply 'He's a restorative ecologist....'
Restorative education, health, child welfare, justice, environment, campuses...
This summary of restorative approaches to education in Wales offers us much to think about as we work towards building restorative communities and restorative organisations in Canberra
Restorative Newcastle, New South Wales
Well done Newcastle on your Restorative vision! Read more here....
Emeritus Professor Gillian Triggs, Tues 5 Sept 2017, 12.30-1.30 at ANU
You are invited to:
Emeritus Professor Gillian Triggs,
Former President, Australian Human Rights Commission
Sexual assault and harassment on University campuses: Changing the course
Tuesday 5 September 2017
12.30 - 1.30pm
Auditorium, China in the World Building,
Building 188, Fellows Lane, ANU
Please register: https://gillian_triggs_lecture.eventbrite.com.au
After Assault, Some Campuses Focus On Healing Over Punishment (National Public Radio USA)
On-campus disciplinary processes for assaults that are reported have drawn criticism from both survivors and those accused of assault. According to federal statistics, only about one in six survivors of sexual assault on college campuses report the incident to school authorities.
So some campuses are considering a new approach. The process, called "restorative justice," looks more like a therapeutic intervention aimed at healing than a trial focused on guilt and punishment. Campus administrators are increasingly open to it, despite concern from some activists that it's too soft on perpetrators of sexual assault. For the full story see....
2017 Monthly Restorative Community Network catch-ups
From July 2017, the Canberra Restorative Community Network will meet on the last MONDAY of the month from 5.30pm - 6.30 pm at Fellows Café (the orange corner), University House, Australian National University (unless it is a public holiday and we will get together on the following day Tuesday). This is a chance for an informal catch-up with colleagues to share ideas and developments from local, national and international contexts on the applications of restorative approaches in various settings. Everyone welcome. No RSVP necessary.
MONDAY 31st JULY 2017
Transcripts of our restorative community network workshops and associated reports
Special thanks to Kelly Lokan and the Restorative Justice Unit for the preparation of these.
Attached are the following transcripts for download:
- February 2016 Workshop - Restorative Practices in Schools
- April 2016 Workshop - Restorative Practices in Health Care
- May 2016 Workshop - Restorative Practice in the Disability sector
- November 2016 Workshop - Restorative Approaches in the Criminal Justice sector
- February 2017 Workshop - In Conversation with Emeritus Prof Gale Burford (Uni of Vermont).
- 28 June 2017 - Restorative Community Network Meeting
University sexual assault and sexual harassment project
The Australian Human Rights Commission is undertaking a project on sexual assault and sexual harassment of university students. This work includes:
- a national university student survey on sexual assault and sexual harassment; and
- an open call for submissions on sexual assault and sexual harassment at university.
It builds on the Commission’s extensive experience leading projects of this kind, including the Review of the treatment of women in the Australian Defence Force and conducting national workplace sexual harassment surveys for the past 12 years.
Read more here or contact Codie Bell for more info at restorativeanu@gmail.com.